
Project Description

Recent talks, lectures, presentations and contributions to panel discussions have included:

‘Space: a Social Agenda’ symposium, panel title ‘Collaboration / Community / Perception’, The Braid, Ballymena, (2013)

What is Participatory and Collaborative Practice?, talk and panel discussion, (on the occasion of Tino Seghal’s exhibition ‘This Situation’) at Irish Museum of Modern Art (2013)

AIARG (All Ireland Architecture Research Group) Conference, Limerick City Galleries (2013)

‘Architecture, Participation, Practice’, Arts Council / RIAI Forum on Architecture and Participation, RIAI Merrion Square, Dublin, speaking as part of Commonage (2013)

Artist in the Community 10 Year Celebration, Create, panel contributors, Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, (2013)

Mapping Spectral Traces V, Conference title ‘Bodies-Space-Memory’, NUI Galway (2012)

‘Public Art and Architecture’, Dublin City Council/The LAB, Dublin, with Rosie Lynch as part of Commonage, (2011)

Mapping Spectral Traces’, National University of Ireland Maynooth at Irish Museum of Modern Art (2011)

‘Of De Blacam and Meagher’, Curating Architecture Seminar, Irish Architecture Foundation/Hugh Lane, with Rosie Lynch as part of Commonage, (2011)

‘Pivot Dublin – Dublin’s Bid for World Design Capital 2014’, Dun Laoghaire (2010)

‘Ulster Festival of Art and Design’, University of Ulster, Belfast (2010)

Lives and Spaces Symposium’, Irish Architecture Foundation/Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast (2010)

Small Ideas Big Impact’, Pecha Kucha Dublin, IAF/The Small Print (2009)

Guest tutors, Fine Art Sculpture Department, National College of Art and Design, Dublin (2009)



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